Southgate Shopping Center
1005-1216 South Street, Nacogdoches, TX

Neighborhood shopping center anchored by Brookshire Brothers, Planet Fitness, Family Dollar, Nacogdoches Family Hospital, Cricket Wireless, Metro PCS, and Army Corps of Engineers. Stand alone restaurant or pad site available.

Located in one of the oldest and most charming cities in Texas, Southgate Shopping center is situated on busy Hwy. 59, the main thoroughfare in Nacogdoches. “The Official First Town of Texas” is home to Stephen F. Austin State University, which caters to approximately 13,000 students. Nacogdoches is home to approximately 32,000 residents and is known for its historic downtown district and stunning historic buildings and landmarks. Named one of the 100 Best Communities for Young People by America’s Promise Alliance, the town has a median age of 30.6 years old. 

Anchored by Brookshire Brothers, Planet Fitness, Family Dollar, Nacogdoches Family Hospital, Cricket Wireless, Metro PCS, and Army Corps of Engineers, the neighborhood shopping center has diverse tenants that cater to a wide variety of the community. A stand-alone restaurant or pad site is available. 

Address: 1005 South Street, Nacogdoches, TX, 75964
Phone: 866-895-5600

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