Lohman’s Crossing
2300 Lohman’s Spur, Lakeway (Austin), TX

Established and well located community center including tenants Chair King, Tuesday Morning, Tex Arts, Pao’s Mandarin, Anthem Bank, Gung Ho Golf, The Wine Cellar, Golden Spa, Pure Barre, All State Insurance, Furniture Brokers of Texas, Thundercloud Subs, Point of Origin Gifts, and Kumon Learning.

TYPE: Retail SQFT: 101,121 PARKING: free, ample FWY: HWY 620

Nestled in the scenic southern shores of Lake Travis, Lakeway is an ideal location to live, work, and play. With a relaxed lifestyle and endless ways to enjoy the great outdoors, the town has become a hub for tourism and vacationing. Beyond the many parks and trails, Lakeway also offers excellent recreational opportunities, including tennis, golf, scuba diving, as well as a full-service hotel and spa and a private airport. 

Lohman’s Crossing is a medical, fitness, and home improvement community center that includes co-tenants Chair King, Tuesday Morning, Tex Arts, Gung Ho Golf, Anthem Bank, Pao’s, Pure Barre, AllState, Thundercloud Subs, and Kumon. With ample free parking, easy access, and high visibility from State Highway 620, the community center is a bustling hub located just 35 minutes outside of Austin.

Address: 2300 Lohmans Spur Lakeway TX, 78734
Phone: 866-895-5600

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